Oh wow Dawn thank you so much for sharing. Those are amazing stories. I have heard many times of siblings who pre decease the dying person appearing. But so amazing that you were able to confirm that… I wonder what was making the phone do what it was doing? Could very well be something demonic. I love how so many of us have such stories but we generally don’t share them. I think it would be much better if we normalise them because it’s part of human experience and entirely normal. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Well yes, angels are real.

When I was a 4 or 5 year old little boy I was witness to my younger sister’s death by an auto strike. We had been playing a game on a busy street in small town Pensacola Florida in the mid to late 60’s

I was picked up and rushed into a neighbors house but I could hear the commotion and hear the family and neighborhood pain. I remember screaming through those walls “who was gonna watch me!”.

My angel appeared to me then. I never spoke. But she spoke to my mind and I knew she was the answer to the question I screamed. She never spoke aloud yet clearly communicated a message of safety, comfort and guidance.

My angel was never welcomed by my many pets over the years. When she “appeared” my dogs would whimper and cover their ears and eyes. Yet she never spoke.

I always knew in times of pain or major decisions that my angel was with me guiding and reassuring. I believe her presence was with me in surgeries, helped me find a path for success in business, even showed me after the darkest times of of a marriage leaving me, a light of a very special gal and her two girls.

I don’t see my angel much these days, perhaps I’ve figured life out or I’m not in need of Gods gift and she was reassigned. But yes, angels are real!

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Thank you Joe for sharing this. What reassuring and wonderful timing for your angel to appear as crisis unfolded all around you. I can only imagine the fear and confusion of you the little boy trying to make sense of it all — what a gift that you saw this angel. It’s always a gift and I can hear how like with me, her visits have you a lifelong sense of comfort and guidance! Thanks for being here 🙏🏻

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This is such a thought provoking piece of work. Thank you for that. If I’ve had visitations I don’t remember them. I was abused as a very young child with little memory of it but certainly residuals throughout my adult life. In fact I did not begin to emotionally mature (acted as a toddler emotionally) until my mid to late 40’s. So I really hope I live to be 100 as I’ve planned, so I can meet the mature adult me. I did have the most emotionally intense experience at 3-4 years old. I recall feeling intensely otherworldly for a few minutes during a hymn at the tiny old clapboard church next to our house. So otherworldly that I connected with heaven for a moment and hastily spoke the words to become a Christian. I’ve always remained open to the unseen since and in fact cannot watch horror movies of certain kinds because I go beyond scared and become wrecked for long periods. This post is such a good articulation of some of my life experience. Thank you. 🙏

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I am thrilled to have read your story. I feel like the angels are pushing me to tell mine, in that intuitive way that is beyond logic, so running into your story seems another nudge. Not that there’s too much to it—I was older, 15, and was absolutely terrified as much as I was electrified with awe. And I totally agree that such a visitation absolutely does validate your own experience above what others say is “real.”

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Oooooh I’d love to hear your story! I’m so glad my story gave you encouragement! I think we all need the paradigm shift that these stories offer. ❤️

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I agree--it feels to me more and more like that paradigm shift is happening, and that people who live closer to the Invisible/Visible Sacred are being heard. Perhaps because, without the truth of that realm, everything seems lost. I'll tell my story soon--just really got situated here on Substack so there's much to do and I don't want to do a post overload on the few subscribers I have! Looking forward to reading more from your substack.

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Oh Stephanie! I subscribed to your newsletter and had a look at your artwork on your website and I’m a little teary now. Such sublime, moving work. The owl woman painting is just stunning. And the story with it! So glad you’re on Substack!

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Oh, thank you so much, Michelle! I’m so happy to be finding my way on Substack. And I’m really glad you found Owl Woman—I have always felt like she belongs to the world! As a subscriber you get a free card and I don’t yet have the Owl Woman card listed on my website but I can send her to you—which I would absolutely love to do—just message me your address! 🥰

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Demi’s link sent me here, and I love this so much. I’ve had all sorts of appearances and messages and fun stuff. I FIRMLY believe we are limited by our beliefs about what matter is and what we can and can’t do because of it. I wrote about my experience with my spirit guide Bluebird last week on Substack. She’s been with me since I was born.

I love finding people who also believe that we are so deeply connected to what we cannot (usually) see with our eyes. I’m also a child of trauma and so much inter generational trauma. I’ve worked really hard to process and make different choices. I did hypnotherapy for about 10 years and it changed my life.

I frequently have dreams where I don’t so much fly as levitate over things. No wings, just moving across areas with ease and joy.

I also practice Reiki - in fact I set an alarm last week for 11:11 every day (with the Eagles song Witchy Woman ha!) to make sure I make the time to feel the Reiki within and give my gratitude for being a conduit for it. My hands tingle every time I do Reiki, and I am so grateful for that gift!!

Ok, going to go back and read some of your posts!

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This is so beautiful and I’m going to read about your spirit guide! That’s actually an amazing idea to set your alarm to feel Reiki. I might have to take that on board. Thank you so much for reading! 🙏🏻

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FWIW, I named the alarm Conjuring and that makes me smile every time. 🧙

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Thank you for being open about these types of experiences.

Hope more people will be encouraged to share!

I have had quite a few experiences.

And I know at least 20 or more people who also have.

One friend has had many but is shy to publicize those experiences.

In my few months here at substack I have only seen one other person give some details.

And 2 others plan to soon.

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The image of you with paper plate wings! xo

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Yeah I’m clearly not a scientist 🤪

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I love this piece so much…especially the beauty of the bond you shared with your grandfather.

I believe angel and dragon wings are real. I think that the frequency Fuckery and programming is out of our full capacity and capability as multidimensional beings is why we can only really connect with them now etherically. I think that one of the points of ascension is to eventually raise the frequency of the planet back to where we have our “magic” back in real time.

I saw my wings get binded on the astral planes repeatedly as a child…and I also have seen the moments I’ve gotten them back. How we present in this human reality is not how we are seen in our cosmic truth.

I say keep on believing and connecting with your wings….especially in the present energies.

Thank you so much for sharing this 🙏🏾🤗🤗

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Yes I also agree that ascension will bring back ability to perceive magic. ❤️I will write about it another time but when my grandfather died when I was 17 I went into an altered state and he was there with me straight away. So I never feared death … thank you for reading and commenting, always appreciate you!

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When I was little I had lots of out of body experiences and I could fly…I didn’t know if I had wings, I just thought it was so cool flying around it was an amazing feeling! I’ve had lots of dreams where a dead loved one tells me something encouraging or about to happen…when my step-uncle was dying I kept seeing a little girl peeking and pearling around the corner at us…I somehow knew it was his little sister I had never heard about…so I asked him if he had a little sister he said yes that’s Shelly she died when she was 8…he died 2 days later…and I get a lot of dreams that happen and when they do the deja vu feeling makes me a little unbalanced…I have also had to command a dark entity to leave my presence on 2 occasions…and here’s the weirdest experience, when my stepsister and I were in 4th grade we came home from school and Mom left a note saying she would be back soon and stay inside til she gets home…so we were talking to our friends out the front window explaining we couldn’t come out and play til mom got home, when all of a sudden I got just a sick to my stomach feeling and turned around and noticed the phone was off the hook…feeling uneasy I showed my sister and she was like so hang it up stupid…so I hung it up and went back to the window…I got that same uneasy feeling and turned around and the phone receiver was now upside down on the phone…showed my sister and she said you did that, I said no I didn’t you saw me hang it up…then one of our friends caught our attention so we went back to the window, never touched the phone…once again the feeling came and I turned around and the entire phone is upside down…we both started screaming and ran to our neighbors home and told her what happened…she looked at us funny but had us stay there til Mom got home…mom gets home we tell her what happened and without missing a beat she says well sounds to me like god needed you out of the house for some reason and sent an Angel to get you out and that was the only way to get your attention apparently…she just left it at that we shrugged our shoulders and said yeah your probably right…never came up again…weird! I honestly think it may have been demonic, cause of the horrible feelings I got from it…but yeah, someone or some Thing wanted us out of that house!

I love your Angel wing story, Michelle!!

I think we mortals have a lot of these experiences but we shrug them off in someway, or we just don’t pay attention to the other realms or dimensions around us…but I love hearing all the stories!! Thanks!!

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First, I am so sorry you suffered abuse. I really think that it takes as long as it takes to tend to the inner vulnerable (abused) parts so that we can live from an adult perspective— so the age doesn’t matter as much as the effort and commitment to healing. Thus, whenever we arrive, it should be celebrated! I also hope you live to 100 and can share all the wisdom gained from your journey! I bet you did have visitations and forgot, only because it seems so common in cases of abuse but 3-4 is so young and memory isn’t well established then. However it’s never too late to experience the unseen and I agree - avoid horror and violence! Nature is a good conduit on the other hand 🌴🌲🪻🌺

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