I’m not sure if the lack of comments here is a reflection of your change of paid status with these posts, but this conversation strikes a chord for me and raises issues that I would like to explore. As you say, who we are is closely related to memory and specific memories. I have some events from long ago that I’m struggling to recall, but if they did happen as I suspect they did it may explain quite a bit about who I became in adolescence through to middle age. Whether it falls under the category of repressed memories or just drawing a blank, it is quite frustrating to not have a clear recollection that I can narrate accurately, just vague impressions that lurk in the shadows of memory. So if there’s an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with others in relatable situations, I’d find that helpful. Nicely done!

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Hi Paul, and yes, I think it’s because I just removed the paywall.

But in the meantime, I can say that sometimes sensation in the body can be a portal into memory. You could do a mindfulness practice where you scan your body for constriction or pain and then even go into that spot and see if anything emerges.

Another way to get to it is to start to write down your dreams, and you could even try to write in a journal before you go to sleep “tonight I would like to have some clarity around…” and then make a note of the partial memory that you are interested in exploring. Sometimes it can give the psyche a bit of a nudge!

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